VB.Net Gotchas

VB.NET is a very user friendly language however I find its user friendliness to be quite confusing and error prone, especially when switching back and forth between C# and VB. Simple things like VB's handling of null or concatenation can lead to bugs if your not careful. For example:
   Sub Main()

        Console.WriteLine("The value of Nothing is also the value of the default type: " &
                         (Nothing = False))

        Console.WriteLine("The value of Nothing is also the value of the default type: " &
                          (Nothing = 0))

        Console.WriteLine("The value of Nothing is also the value of the default type: " &
                          (Nothing = String.Empty))

        Console.WriteLine("The & operator with two integers concats both: " & (3 & 4))

        Console.WriteLine("The + operator with two integers adds both: " & (3 + 4))

        Console.WriteLine("The + operator with two strings concats both: " & ("3" + "4"))

        Console.WriteLine("The & operator with a string and an integer concats both: " & 
                          ("3" & 4))

        Console.WriteLine("The + operator with a string and an integer adds both: " & 
                          ("3" + 4))

        Console.WriteLine("The + operator with an integer and string adds both: " & 
                          (4 + "3"))
        Console.WriteLine("The Length of a VB.NET array starts at 1 and not 0: " &
                          {"Dot", "Net", "Perls"}.Length)

        'Console.WriteLine("DirectCast can NOT convert types that are not inherited: " & 
        '               DirectCast(0, System.String))

        Console.WriteLine("CType can convert types that are not inherited: " &
                       CType(0, System.String))

        'Console.WriteLine("Nothing <> String: " & (Nothing = String.Empty))

        Console.WriteLine("Nothing is not string.Empty: " & (Nothing IsNot String.Empty))

        'Console.WriteLine("And operator always evaluates all conditions: " & 
        '                 (1 = 2 And 0 = String.Empty))

        Console.WriteLine("AndAlso operator evaluates left to right conditions as needed: " &
                          (1 = 2 AndAlso 0 = String.Empty))

        Console.WriteLine("The value of TestFunctionExitWithType is going to be the default" &
                          " return type: " & TestFunctionExitWithType())

        Console.WriteLine("The value of TestFunctionReturn is going to be Nothing: " &

        Console.WriteLine("The value of TestFunctionExit is going to be Nothing: " &

        Console.WriteLine("Parenthesis are optional in Paremeterless methods: " & 


    End Sub

    Sub TestSubReturn()
    End Sub

    Sub TestSubExit()
        Exit Sub
    End Sub

    Function TestFunctionReturn()
        Return Nothing
    End Function

    'Compiler error: 'Return' statement in a Function, Get, or Operator must return a value.
    'Function TestFunctionReturn()
    '    Return
    'End Function

    Function TestFunctionExit()
        Exit Function
    End Function

    Function TestFunctionExitWithType() As Decimal
        Exit Function
    End Function

End Sub
The value of Nothing is also the value of the default type: True
The value of Nothing is also the value of the default type: True
The value of Nothing is also the value of the default type: True
The & operator with two integers concats both: 34
The + operator with two integers adds both: 7
The + operator with two strings concats both: 34
The & operator with a string and an integer concats both: 34
The + operator with a string and an integer adds both: 7
The + operator with an integer and string adds both: 7
The Length of a VB.NET array starts at 1 and not 0: 3
CType can convert types that are not inherited: 0
Nothing is not string.Empty: True
AndAlso operator evaluates left to right conditions as needed: False
The value of TestFunctionExitWithType is going to be the default return type: 0
The value of TestFunctionReturn is going to be Nothing: 
The value of TestFunctionExit is going to be Nothing: 
Parenthesis are optional in Paremeterless methods: 0


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