Dojo ComboBox with JsonRest store and loading indicator.
I was using a JsonRest store to populate a dijit ComboBox and FilteringSelect with auto complete and needed to display a spinner or loading message while the JsonRest store was querying.
I googled around for a built in solution and found a couple people asking but no responses.
I am not sure if this is the best approach but a quick and easy enough solution for me was to intercept the functions that are called when a search begins and ends. These functions exist within dijit/form/_SearchMixin.js that the ComboBox and FilteringSelect inherit from:
_SearchMixin._startSearch -> Called when a search starts
_SearchMixin.onComplete -> Called when a search ends.
Therefore I did something similar to the following to display a loading indicator during store queries. The only down side to this approach is a missing edge case where if the JsonRest store has an error, the loading indicator will continue to display.
I googled around for a built in solution and found a couple people asking but no responses.
I am not sure if this is the best approach but a quick and easy enough solution for me was to intercept the functions that are called when a search begins and ends. These functions exist within dijit/form/_SearchMixin.js that the ComboBox and FilteringSelect inherit from:
_SearchMixin._startSearch -> Called when a search starts
_SearchMixin.onComplete -> Called when a search ends.
Therefore I did something similar to the following to display a loading indicator during store queries. The only down side to this approach is a missing edge case where if the JsonRest store has an error, the loading indicator will continue to display.
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""/> <script src=""></script> <script> require([ 'dojo/aspect', 'dojo/store/Memory', 'dojo/dom-style', 'dijit/form/ComboBox', 'dojo/domReady!' ], function (aspect, Memory, domStyle, ComboBox) { var someData = [ { id:1, name:"One" }, { id:2, name:"Two" } ]; var combobox = new ComboBox({ store: new Memory( {data: someData }), searchAttr: 'name', autocomplete: true }, 'exampleCombobox'); function showSpinner() { domStyle.set("exampleSpinner", "display", "block"); } function hideSpinner() { domStyle.set("exampleSpinner", "display", "none"); } aspect.after(combobox, '_startSearch', showSpinner); aspect.after(combobox, 'onSearch', hideSpinner); }); </script> </head> <body class="claro"> <input id="exampleCombobox"/> <img src="" style="display:none" id="exampleSpinner"/> </body> </html>
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