
Showing posts from 2013

Getting Citrix Receiver Working on Fedora 19

Download the Citrix Receiver in RPM format here: As sudo or root, issue a `yum install ICAClient*.rpm`. Click on the .ica link in your xenapp citrix website. When prompted to open or download the .ica file, select download. Run `/opt/Citrix/ICAClient/ launch.ica` in the directory where launch.ica was downloaded to. If you see error messages like, "Error while loading shared library : : can not open shared object file ", issue a ` yum install libpng12.i686 libpng12-devel.i686`.  Go back to your Citrix website, and click on the .ica link again. This time instead of downloading it, select open with , and choose, "/opt/Citrix/ICAClient/".  The Citrix receiver will now complain about  you not having a trusted certificate. You will need to find the certificate needed and place it in the following folder, "/opt/Citrix/ICAClient/keystore/cacerts/". For example if you n...

VB.Net Cross Thread Events in WinForms

Today I quickly did a proof of concept on integrating a third part component into a winforms application and had to figure out how to raise events on the Windows Forms UI thread from a different one. There are plenty of examples of doing this in C# but they didn't quite translate to VB.Net. Although a BackgroundWorker may have worked I had some more complex requirements. Therefore I slightly tweaked a C# cross thread example on stackoverflow and combined it with another example of building a custom event. Here is what I came out with. I have to investigate better ways of doing this but since there is a lack of any VB.Net examples I thought I would post one. Imports System.ComponentModel Imports System.Threading Public Class CrossThreadingExample Private dummyThread As Thread Private ReadOnly crossThreadEventList As New List(Of CrossThreadEventHandler) Public Delegate Sub CrossThreadEventHandler(sender As Object, e As CrossThreadEventArgs) Public Custom E...

Querying IIS Log File Information Easily

Microsoft has a command line tool called LogParser that can easily be used to execute SQL statements against log files. The tool is extremely handy when there is problem with a web service or site hosted by IIS. For example to see if a rogue consumer of your web service is doing something silly like looping through and flooding it with calls you can query the most called web service by IP address by issuing: .\LogParser.exe -i:W3C " select count(*), date as date, cs-uri-stem, c-ip from \\servername\logs\current\* group by date, cs-uri-stem, c-ip having count(*) > 500000 " -rtp:-1 This will return a nicely formatted result like so: COUNT(ALL *) date cs-uri-stem c-ip ------------ ---------- ----------------------------- ------------- 510832 2013-07-11 /ExampleServices/Test.asmx 535199 2013-07-11 /ExampleServices/Example.asmx Log parser...

Getting the Lenovo Yoga wireless driver working in Fedora 18

If you are like me you installed Fedora 18 off the live CD only to find that you can't do anything because the wireless card does not work by default. To get wireless working the first step is to install the build tools needed to install the driver. The easiest way to do this is to download the install DVD to a USB thumb drive. Once you plug it into the Yoga, Fedora will mount the drive automatically. Figure out where it mounted by going to Dolphin or whatever file manager you use and viewing the path to the drive. Now go into your yum repos and temporary change the yum repository to point to the live dvd image. [richie@localhost ~]$ su - Password: [root@localhost ~]# cd /etc/yum.repos.d/ [root@localhost yum.repos.d]# gedit fedora.repo change from [fedora] name=Fedora $releasever - $basearch failovermethod=priority #baseurl=$releasever/Everything/$basearch/os/ mirrorlist=