VB.Net Cross Thread Events in WinForms
Today I quickly did a proof of concept on integrating a third part component into a winforms application and had to figure out how to raise events on the Windows Forms UI thread from a different one. There are plenty of examples of doing this in C# but they didn't quite translate to VB.Net.
Although a BackgroundWorker may have worked I had some more complex requirements. Therefore I slightly tweaked a C# cross thread example on stackoverflow and combined it with another example of building a custom event. Here is what I came out with. I have to investigate better ways of doing this but since there is a lack of any VB.Net examples I thought I would post one.
And here is an example of using it on a Windows Form where a label gets updated with values divisible by 10.
Although a BackgroundWorker may have worked I had some more complex requirements. Therefore I slightly tweaked a C# cross thread example on stackoverflow and combined it with another example of building a custom event. Here is what I came out with. I have to investigate better ways of doing this but since there is a lack of any VB.Net examples I thought I would post one.
Imports System.ComponentModel Imports System.Threading Public Class CrossThreadingExample Private dummyThread As Thread Private ReadOnly crossThreadEventList As New List(Of CrossThreadEventHandler) Public Delegate Sub CrossThreadEventHandler(sender As Object, e As CrossThreadEventArgs) Public Custom Event CrossThreadNotification As CrossThreadEventHandler AddHandler(handler As CrossThreadEventHandler) Me.crossThreadEventList.Add(handler) End AddHandler RemoveHandler(handler As CrossThreadEventHandler) Me.crossThreadEventList.Remove(handler) End RemoveHandler RaiseEvent(sender As Object, e As CrossThreadEventArgs) For Each del In Me.crossThreadEventList Dim synchronizedInvoke As ISynchronizeInvoke = DirectCast(del.Target, ISynchronizeInvoke) If synchronizedInvoke IsNot Nothing AndAlso synchronizedInvoke.InvokeRequired Then synchronizedInvoke.Invoke(del, New Object() {sender, e}) Else del.DynamicInvoke(New Object() {sender, e}) End If Next End RaiseEvent End Event Public Sub Start() Me.dummyThread = New Thread(AddressOf DoWork) Me.dummyThread.IsBackground = True Me.dummyThread.Start() End Sub Public Sub Cancel() Me.dummyThread.Abort() End Sub Private Sub DoWork() Dim i As Integer = 0 While i < Integer.MaxValue i += 1 If i Mod 10 = 0 Then RaiseEvent CrossThreadNotification(Me, New CrossThreadEventArgs(i)) End If Thread.Sleep(100) End While End Sub End Class Public Class CrossThreadEventArgs Inherits EventArgs Public Property NumberDivisibleBy10 As Integer Public Sub New(number As Integer) MyBase.New() Me.NumberDivisibleBy10 = number End Sub End Class
And here is an example of using it on a Windows Form where a label gets updated with values divisible by 10.
Public Class ExampleForm Private WithEvents crossThreadingExample As CrossThreadingExample Public Sub New() Me.InitializeComponent() Me.crossThreadingExample = New CrossThreadingExample() Me.crossThreadingExample.Start() End Sub Public Sub ChangeLabel(sender As Object, e As CrossThreadEventArgs) Handles crossThreadingExample.CrossThreadNotification Me.LabelCounter.Text = e.NumberDivisibleBy10.ToString() End Sub Protected Overrides Sub OnClosing(e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) MyBase.OnClosing(e) Me.crossThreadingExample.Cancel() End Sub End Class
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