VB.Net Gotchas
VB.NET is a very user friendly language however I find its user friendliness to be quite confusing and error prone, especially when switching back and forth between C# and VB. Simple things like VB's handling of null or concatenation can lead to bugs if your not careful.
For example:
Sub Main() Console.WriteLine("The value of Nothing is also the value of the default type: " & (Nothing = False)) Console.WriteLine("The value of Nothing is also the value of the default type: " & (Nothing = 0)) Console.WriteLine("The value of Nothing is also the value of the default type: " & (Nothing = String.Empty)) Console.WriteLine("The & operator with two integers concats both: " & (3 & 4)) Console.WriteLine("The + operator with two integers adds both: " & (3 + 4)) Console.WriteLine("The + operator with two strings concats both: " & ("3" + "4")) Console.WriteLine("The & operator with a string and an integer concats both: " & ("3" & 4)) Console.WriteLine("The + operator with a string and an integer adds both: " & ("3" + 4)) Console.WriteLine("The + operator with an integer and string adds both: " & (4 + "3")) Console.WriteLine("The Length of a VB.NET array starts at 1 and not 0: " & {"Dot", "Net", "Perls"}.Length) 'Console.WriteLine("DirectCast can NOT convert types that are not inherited: " & ' DirectCast(0, System.String)) 'System.IndexOutOfRangeException' Console.WriteLine("CType can convert types that are not inherited: " & CType(0, System.String)) 'Console.WriteLine("Nothing <> String: " & (Nothing = String.Empty)) 'System.IndexOutOfRangeException' Console.WriteLine("Nothing is not string.Empty: " & (Nothing IsNot String.Empty)) 'Console.WriteLine("And operator always evaluates all conditions: " & ' (1 = 2 And 0 = String.Empty)) 'System.InvalidCastException Console.WriteLine("AndAlso operator evaluates left to right conditions as needed: " & (1 = 2 AndAlso 0 = String.Empty)) Console.WriteLine("The value of TestFunctionExitWithType is going to be the default" & " return type: " & TestFunctionExitWithType()) Console.WriteLine("The value of TestFunctionReturn is going to be Nothing: " & TestFunctionReturn()) Console.WriteLine("The value of TestFunctionExit is going to be Nothing: " & TestFunctionExit()) Console.WriteLine("Parenthesis are optional in Paremeterless methods: " & 0.ToString) Console.ReadLine() End Sub Sub TestSubReturn() Return End Sub Sub TestSubExit() Exit Sub End Sub Function TestFunctionReturn() Return Nothing End Function 'Compiler error: 'Return' statement in a Function, Get, or Operator must return a value. 'Function TestFunctionReturn() ' Return 'End Function Function TestFunctionExit() Exit Function End Function Function TestFunctionExitWithType() As Decimal Exit Function End Function End SubResults:
The value of Nothing is also the value of the default type: True The value of Nothing is also the value of the default type: True The value of Nothing is also the value of the default type: True The & operator with two integers concats both: 34 The + operator with two integers adds both: 7 The + operator with two strings concats both: 34 The & operator with a string and an integer concats both: 34 The + operator with a string and an integer adds both: 7 The + operator with an integer and string adds both: 7 The Length of a VB.NET array starts at 1 and not 0: 3 CType can convert types that are not inherited: 0 Nothing is not string.Empty: True AndAlso operator evaluates left to right conditions as needed: False The value of TestFunctionExitWithType is going to be the default return type: 0 The value of TestFunctionReturn is going to be Nothing: The value of TestFunctionExit is going to be Nothing: Parenthesis are optional in Paremeterless methods: 0
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