Getting Citrix Receiver Working on Fedora 19
Download the Citrix Receiver in RPM format here: As sudo or root, issue a `yum install ICAClient*.rpm`. Click on the .ica link in your xenapp citrix website. When prompted to open or download the .ica file, select download. Run `/opt/Citrix/ICAClient/ launch.ica` in the directory where launch.ica was downloaded to. If you see error messages like, "Error while loading shared library : : can not open shared object file ", issue a ` yum install libpng12.i686 libpng12-devel.i686`. Go back to your Citrix website, and click on the .ica link again. This time instead of downloading it, select open with , and choose, "/opt/Citrix/ICAClient/". The Citrix receiver will now complain about you not having a trusted certificate. You will need to find the certificate needed and place it in the following folder, "/opt/Citrix/ICAClient/keystore/cacerts/". For example if you n...